2020 Toilet Paper Politics

In this post we will discuss the current political atmosphere, the real and apparent issues involved in the voting systems, and finally talk about the lawsuits underway by the Trump Campaign. It is important to note that much of the data appears to change nearly daily, if not hourly. In this situation the key takeaway would be to observe, understand and to find a handle on our personal response to it. I have found that there is a whole bunch of information that is flooding the mainstream media (here after noted as MSM) and the parties at large from the Democrat National Committee (DNC) and the Grand Old Party (GNC also known as the Republican Party). Additionally there are many individuals out there making videos, blogs, and opinion pieces from their perspective and professional point of view. I am a welder by trade, a Navy Veteran and have some college experience, and in that regard my opinion shouldn’t be a persuasive one, however, I am of the majority of people in the United States. I am under educated, under privileged, and have enough understanding in history to be able to make a clear and thought filled position.

We start with the information as we have it currently. According to the MSM prior to any actual resolution from the states the Joe Biden campaign has apparently won. What this means is that as of this writing there is zero states that have finalized the votes obtained in their jurisdiction. Therefore the results of the Biden campaign winning are not finalized and therefore it is as of yet not a fact that this team has won anything other than an apparent popular vote. Even this popular vote is currently under investigation as we will look at the lawsuits sections later on in this post. For certain that the MSM is declaring that Biden is the winner. Unfortunate it is not the duty of the media to award a winner of the presidential election, but to report the news.  We have reports from CNN (https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/06/media/fox-news-election-projection-plan/index.html) informing their audience that Fox News themselves has said we should not be calling Biden the president elect.

This leads to an important question, who can declare the incumbent the president elect? In an article by the Federalist (https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/10/who-calls-the-presidential-election-its-not-the-media-its-the-constitution/) the answer is plain, and it is not the media that can declare a victor, but the constitution. We have a document that is arranged and spells out the specifics of the executive branch as it pertains to elections. From Cornell Law we learn that (https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-12) “The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President…” Therefore we can know for certain that a state’s electors will cast their ballots on December the 12th. Many states have laws or statutes on their books that the electors of the state vote for the popular candidate of the public. For a complete list of those states see this page https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/state-status.

Understanding how the election has appeared can give us insight as to how it will turn out. Regardless, of the numbers projected by MSM in regards to the victory of the DNC there might be some issues relating to voter fraud. This section we should examine exactly what voter fraud is and then move to discuss what is being called voter fraud, and finally summarize by discussing the outcomes of this before we proceeed to the lawsuits underway. Voter fraud is defined by the government itself https://www.justice.gov/usao-nh/pr/federal-election-fraud-fact-sheet and provides many specific situations of this fraud. From falsifying a signature, or name on a ballot to turning in a ballot of a deceased person is all types of fraud. The site justice dot gov does go into more specific information and it is important to know that voter fraud can even happen by an electronic voting machine that is designed to switch votes, or worse delete them.

In the last couple of weeks claims of electronic fraud has been boiling up from many sources, most of which are from the GOP. Are their claims, fears and worries unfounded? There is historic evidence that this has happened in the past. A company called Diebold actually admitted to voting system flaws back in 2009. In their admission the audit log was flawed enough that it would be possible to delete votes undetected. Several elections officials were arrested in result as can be read in this article, (https://fcw.com/Articles/2009/03/23/Web-Diebold-admits-voting-system-flaws.aspx) Is this one instance, well for some who demand pages upon pages of evidence giving one piece might not satiate their hunger for some kind of lustful desire for lots of documents. There are many others, and right now searching google, or bing would lead a person through pages of the accusations of Dominion software.

Dominion software has been linked to the votes in Argentina, and several sites claim to fact check that dominion didn’t tamper with any results in the election of the socialist dictator in power. There are other e-voting software companies that have been proven to be susceptible to hacking and manipulation. One of which was covered by business insider, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/an-online-voting-system-used-in-florida-and-ohio-can-be-hacked-to-alter-votes-without-detection-researchers-found/ar-BB15cOWk, the list of states are Colorado, Delaware, Bew Jersey, Florida, Ohio, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia. Even in Georgia there is worry of a voting system vulnerable to cyberattack https://www.ajc.com/politics/election/in-high-stakes-election-georgias-voting-system-vulnerable-to-cyberattack/TBFT5U5BH5AZZPFPZTP3LFQ7RY/. There was also a case of ransomware hitting the voting systems in Florida back in 2016 https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/ransomware-hit-florida-voting-system-in-2016-a-13721.

So there are a lot of cases in the past of a fear of voting by electronic systems, not completely unfounded one could argue. Worry of hacking, vote manipulation and vote switching has been a plague upon the world for many years. Not simply in 2020, but also back in the early 2000’s. What we can pull from this is that outright declaration without evidence is an unscientific move, but definitely in the realm of a political move. There is a psychology in many forms of political hack, threat, and scare tactics. Since this is not an argument supporting such an agenda it would be important to leave the reader with an idea of what I mean by this. In one article from a journal I access through Mount Angel Seminary, Issue Competition and attention distraction: a zero sum theory of agenda setting by Jian-Hua Zhu (1992, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly Vol 69 No 4.pp. 825-836) Zhu contends,

               “The limits on the audience’s resources include time, access and psychological capacity . . .Cognitive psychologists have long contended that human beings have limited capacity for information processing [it] manifests itself at various levels, such as attention, perception, memory and recall. Among these processes, limits in attention resources perhaps affect the audience agenda most.” (Page 827-828)

               While this article was written in a journal nearly thirty years ago we can see the developments that Zhu was arguing about. With the advent of ready access information (RAI) through the internet and ever available in the form of “smart phones” an individual is faced with either soundbite data, or the use of video (vlogs) to assimilate mass amounts of information into an average 9 minute video. These can range in scope, from political commenters who made it their profession to argue and articulate the political environment such as Vermont native, and editor Styxhexenhammer666 also known as Tarl Warwick, who has been making vlogs on politics and other things of his personal interest for over a decade now. To individuals like California native, lawyer Devin J. Stone who makes vlogs for Legal Eagle.

               I view and observe both individuals, on one side I have an avowed Libertarian (You can see his views on this here https://www.youtube.com/c/Styxhexenhammer666/search?query=libertarian) and on the other side I have Stone, who is not affiliated with any political party, but does side with Joe Biden for presidency. I could make an opinion on this, however Tarl Warwick supported Trump, so at least there are two views here. I also observe and listen to a few other political commentators who do have their own issues, and agendas, as is logical. Each should have their own opinions, and should have the ability to discuss their beliefs, but never at the cost of logical argument and discussion.

               Lastly on voter fraud. There are cases pending. Nevada itself is under examination, and there has been evidence of dead people voting in that state. One of which died in 2017. This information is available for search, but again you will have to shuffle through a billion fact check links, and a million articles about MSM claims of Trump lying. Again, I call it political maneuvering, with this I do not approve or disprove, it is simply entertaining to watch and observe the reactions of some individuals who try to examine the behavior.

               Finally on lawsuits. There are two videos from Legal Eagle of note, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha7iWECm_8E and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d22Y7p3tER0 both of which are interesting, and I would watch both in this order. It is important to always vote with the rule of law cleared by a wholesome conscience. What that means is a person should never vote without clearly knowing right from wrong, and laws do not mean it is right, or wrong but simply that it is allowable. In the first video Stone clearly notes what the cases are for the lawsuits currently underway. He lists them out and discusses what errors, and clarifies how the legal staff may act inappropriately, he also talks about his opinion on if these lawsuits are good or bad. For the most part the lawsuits currently underway are pretty much bunk. This in itself is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, these lawsuits are not merely designed to over through or swap the voting counts. It is my opinion that there is a constitutional matter underway. You can read this article here https://archive.vn/ta4Cs. At the end of the road we have clear and obvious voter fraud situations, numbers might not be enough to over throw the situation. The conclusion I can draw is that the evidence for this is situated in the hands of the Trump Campaign. Whatever it is, one cannot say exactly what it is. No one on the MSM, are where I would get my information regarding the current cases. The pressure is being weighted heavily on the GOP to make available the evidence. Anyone who understand the way law works, one does not ever publish their evidence in a lawsuit. The evidence is presented in a juridical situation, this means that even on the state level, a circuit court judge might side with Trump, and then the state Supreme Court can over turn it however the rank and file process occurs. Then what happens is SCOTUS ends up making the final determination. The conclusion there is a 6-4 weight on the board.

I will say this, before litigation no evidence from the GOP, or the DNC etc., will be available for mass consumption. Even Legal Eagle’s Stone knows this, and in his video he can rail and speak in his expertise about the system and what is occurring. Yet even as I utilized the fact that psychologically speaking the mass of people do not take the time to adequately research or examine the reality of the current state of affairs. Honestly, even I could have spent these last few weeks of evidence tracking and these hours of typing these words out and editing them, once again I am not a professional argument master, I did take the time to want to lay down this reality, that we cannot make any kind of political forecast without being in the game. A game that I am not involved in, and instead during 2020 we have had mandatory lock downs, and mask mandates, and health advisors telling people how to behave. We have had 4 years of MSM saying that Trump is bad, this causes a cognitive dissonance. Trust me when people say something enough times, and you listen to it eventually it becomes truth.

               I am against anyone in any position of expertise to put weight on their education which is a logical fallacy called The Appeal to Authority Fallacy. Listen I do not have experience in much of anything that one would desire to hear these opinions, instead I have drawn the conclusion built on years of listening, and more importantly prayer to form a conscience that promotes natural law, and the natural rights of the people. I do not feel that at this time, before December 12th that any opinion has any weight. Be it from Stone, Warwick or myself. Instead what I do believe is that there is a large body of individuals who understand and desire to have a thriving and prosperous life.

               Truth is, on Dec 12th when the electors meet I can almost say with some idea that states that are heavily Republican will not be sending their electors. The states under litigation might also forgo sending their electors. What happens then is that the vote goes to the People under the Constitution’s 12th Amendment, the House would select the next president and the Senate would pick the vice president if no candidate has a majority of Electoral College votes. Turns out Democrats held onto their majority in the House after securing the 218 seats needed to control the chamber. Republicans narrowed their disadvantage by flipping at least nine seats. This means that if the vote goes to the House it can flip for Biden. Then there is talk of the SCOTUS deciding. Again this is a 6-4 weight in possible favor for Trump. Alas, this is going to be a constant feud between two agendas, one is the Good Old Party and the other is the left leaning MSM pushing against Trump, because after 4 years of the “Orange Man Bad” mantra we will continue to see highlighted pro-Biden news articles.

               For this, I proscribe a healthy level of prayer to go towards Jesus in calming the Fearmongering.

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